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Dennis and the Menace

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Someone mentioned that “Dennis the Menace” is actually two distinct characters – who debuted the same day in the UK and the US – and I thought it would be fun to see these two menaces-to-society grow up a little and meet.

Dennis US is a fairly benign menace, who is generally oblivious to the chaos he produces. He mainly annoys his grumpy neighbor “Mr. Wilson” by not realizing that the old man hates him. Dennis UK is more intentionally malicious, and menaces the character “Walter the Softy” because he’s a stereotypical sissy. I’d like to think that Dennis UK has outgrown his insecurity and embraced the softies in his life.



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Nudecember prompt list by ComeNozes on DeviantArtI found out about this #NUdecember challenge just as it was about to start, and intended to do it, but… haven’t. I had some time yesterday and worked on a few to catch up. I intend to do them all, and I’ll post each of them here with the appropriate date… which will make it look like I was doing them every day :) .

Playtime: Justice League of Anarchy

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Pardon me while I rant a bit.

One of the things I disliked about Warren Ellis’ “The Engine” forum, and his later “Whitechapel” forum (while he was running it) was the fact that anyone participating had to deal with his carefully crafted online persona as an asshole. It was intended to be a benevolent dictatorship, and a good way of dealing with trolls: Warren’s word was law, and objections would get you banned.

But it tended to get pretty elementary-school. Like the time I had the nerve to disagree with a popular artist about something, and one of the moderators (Warren only hired women for that, supposedly because they had better social skills, but seemed more to appeal to men who enjoy being dominated by assertive women) changed my password to “asshole” as punishment.

Which brings us to a certain remake/remodel challenge that Warren issued, to imagine what punk impresario Malcolm McLaren might have come up with if he’d been given a license to the Justice League. I posted what I considered a legitimate fulfillment of that. Warren deleted it as “a two-minute Photoshop job” … apparently missing the point that looking like a sloppy photocopy collage was part of the punk aesthetic (and that I’d spent about an hour on developing it).

And in his haste to delete what he didn’t understand, he missed the little reference I included to one of McLaren’s other projects: the one-hit wonder Jimmy the Hoover.